Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Charlie Brooker: Games Wipe

What are the genres of games that are discussed?

Platformer -The character moves from platform to platform to complete the level
Shoot 'em up - The player scrolls across the screen shooting endless amounts of baddies
FPS - The player shoots enemies from a first person perspective
Simulation - The player simulates real life activities
Strategy - The player uses strategies to dominate the world
Puzzle - The player solves puzzles to complete the game
RPG - The player plays as a character completing tasks that level them up
MMORPG - The player plays as a character completing tasks that level them up but can also interact with other people
Casual - Games designed to be appealing to anybody
Adventure -The player completes a story playing as the protagonist, through a series of puzzles and exploration elements
Beat 'em up - The player beats up other characters on the screen
Sandbox - The player is able to explore a virtual world in a non-linear way
Rhythm action - The player is able to keep in time using a unique contoller specified for instrumental games.

Which advantages does he discuss?

Video games are good for escaping real life, as you can do things that you wouldn't be able to normally and can be anyone you want. Video game technology have progressed over the years allowing more in-depth and more exotic experiences. Games allow people to have good experiences and they are believeable enough for people to enjoy them.
What are the differences between US and UK?

The UK was seen as more of a hobbyist culture as people tended to create they're own games and so were seen as nerdier gamers, because of this the UK was seen to have more retro games than the US.

What criticisms does it make about games industry and consumers?

For nerds
Can't enjoy when you cannpot pass certain levels
Story telling is poor
50 Cent game is shit
Too addictive for children

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